
Tuesday, 20 April 2021


My class and I were making milkshakes for our cooking class. The first thing that we did before we started on our milkshake was our teacher teaching us how to use the blender. This blender wasn’t like the one now, it was an old one but it was still a good blender. After that we had to choose what type of milkshake we wanted. The options were strawberry shortcake, firecracker, mint chocolate chip and oreo. My group chose mint chocolate chips. The first step was to melt the white chocolate. Next we mixed the white chocolate,the mint ice cream and a splash of milk then blended it. After that we poured the mixture into a plastic cup then we decorated it with extra white chocolate. When we finished, we went around and used everyone's main ingredient as toppings like Oreo and strawberries with food colouring. The last thing we did was take pictures for our blog and enjoyed it. 

 3 scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream 
Splash of milk 
Melted white chocolate 

 1) Melt the white chocolate until smooth and soft
 2) After that put 3 scoops of mint chocolate ice cream into the blender 
 3) Then add your melted white chocolate and mint ice cream and milk all together. 
 4) Then once you're happy with the texture of the milkshake, pure it into a cup. 
 5) If you want, add toppings or whatever you want. And enjoy.

Saturday, 17 April 2021

Chinese Migration

In Social Studies me and my partner Anamaria presented our slideshow to the class about how the Chinese migrated to New Zealand. First we started with an introduction. Next we talked about the map and that China is a very popular country and one of the biggest. Then we talked about the history of the first immigrants and how they were treated by the Europeans and when they thought they were going to be rich after moving to New Zealand. 

Then we talked about push and pull reasons. For some of you who don't know what push and pull mean. Push means some negative things that make you want leave your country. And pull means positive things that make you want go to a different country. 

And finally we talked about the community today. Such as Chinese people learning the different cultures and traditions. And how the people of New Zealand got to learn the amazing culture of the Chinese people. Especially in Auckland as the Chinese have opened various restaurants throughout the city to share their delicious fare with us. 

Thursday, 15 April 2021

How to make Lava Lamps.

 Today during Science we were told to make a lava lamp. The first instruction was to get into our groups. Then we got all the ingredients and mix them all together in the water bottle. After that we took pictures of the final result and showed it to our teacher.

Material : Vinegar, sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, oil, food colouring of your choice, water and a empty water bottle.


1) add food colouring in the 50 ml of water in a beaker

2) Pour the coloured water in the empty water bottle 

3) Add vinegar and make the bottle half filled

4) Next add in the oil up to the bottle neck ( close to the top )

5) Lastly add sodium bicarbonate and citric acid.